Bored In The Desert
So far it's been three days and I have learned two things: first of all, walking all day is insanely tiring and second, you get hungry quick. I could really use some bread and beer right now. Hopefully, we won't be out here for too long or else I'm gonna wanna go back. I just wanna be at the Promised Land already and walking all day is getting very annoying. Wish me luck on the rest of my journey as I might call it, torture!
I Want To Go Home!
We just arrived at Paran and I was chosen to be one of the spies to assess the situation and if it is safe. Two people said that it was safe and that they're optimistic but they're crazy. The 9 other men and I agreed that it was too dangerous. We would be annihilated if we went there. God must have not been thinking straight when he decided that we should come here. Maybe he shouldn't lead us. Maybe we need a new leader that can take back to Egypt. I am going to announce my idea to the group tomorrow. A. few of my friends had the same idea so maybe I won't be the only.
Fun Fact: After many days of walking in the Desert, none of the surroundings have changed. Just the same, old sand and dirt.
Frustration & Aggravation​
Sorry for being away from this travel log for so long, but it has been a struggle for ten years. It's like God has turned his back against us. Many have died in the past decade, but I'm doing ok. The frustration has built up and people are aggravated. There is not much food and water, but there is this thing called manna. Maybe this is God's way of showing sympathy towards his people. This journey has me questioning whether God wants the best for his
​people or does he just not care. I'm getting really sick and tired of waking up to the same thing every day. Maybe I should have just gone back to Egypt and been a slave, but I guess it's too late for that. Time to go walk a little more for today. Hopefully, I can get the next entry out quicker than I did with this one.
A True Blessing
​This past week in the desert has been the best one yet. My first son was born about 3 days ago and I'm so happy to be a dad. After 30 years of wandering, I'm beginning to believe that we won't make it to the promise land or I won't be alive when we do. I believe that God will get us there but it seems like he is taking his time. My son can carry on for me in the new generation. Moses has said we are close about a thousand times, but the only thing I've seen is more and more and more desert. The only thing I look forward to each day is my son. I know he will grow up and be happy in the promise land. I am going to do whatever it takes to take care of him and make sure he survives the journey.
Relief & Belief
After 40 years of walking through the desert, we have arrived in Moab. I'm so grateful to be here because many people did not make it. At one point snakes attacked us and killed many. We are basically across the river from the promise land and I'm so excited. The king of this village got freaked out and tried to curse all of us, but God has our back. He turned the curses into blessings, which showed me that he does care for us and he wants the best for his people. I am very relieved that we have made it here and I am lucky to be alive.